Monday, September 24, 2018

Keep eating strawberries! (Please.)

The recent rash of strawberry sabotage in Australia is incredibly sad. It is heart-breaking to see mountains of perfect fruit being trashed because people are too afraid to buy it. I've found myself buying more strawberries than usual, in the hope my purchases will support the beleaguered growers.

Here's an ice cream recipe you can make without a fancy ice cream maker! Some others are here and here.

250 grams fresh strawberries
1 tablespoon gelatine (or 1 gelatine 'leaf') *
1.5 cups cream
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons water

Slice strawberries and sprinkle with sugar. Place in the fridge for one hour or until the juice runs from the strawberries. Soak the gelatine in cold water and drain the strawberry juice into this. Stand bowl over hot water and stir until gelatine dissolves. Add strawberries. Chill until starting to set. Whip cream, fold strawberry mixture into cream, and freeze until firm. Allow to soften for a few minutes before eating.

* gelatine [gelatin] is an animal product so not suitable for vegetarians. You could switch it for agar-agar for a vego option (though I'm not sure what quantity to recommend ... a very small amount would probably work).

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