Sunday, February 19, 2017

Rocky road ice cream

Six months ago I made some rocky road. You can see the recipe and results here ... the general consensus seemed to be that it was delicious! More recently I'd found myself wondering about home made rocky road ice cream. What to put in it? Would the heavier ingredients sink to the bottom? I had a go at making it this week and it worked well. Phew ;-)

600 ml fresh cream
200 g sweetened condensed milk
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup peanuts
200 g white chocolate, broken into chunks
200 g dark chocolate, broken into chunks
100 g small marshmallows
2 x 55 g bars Turkish Delight, chopped up

Whip the cream, add the condensed milk and whip some more, then stir the coconut through. (If I'd frozen the mixture at this stage, I would have had a very nice batch of coconut ice cream.) Add all the other ingredients, combine well and spoon into freezer containers. Freeze and enjoy. Makes around three litres.

More easy ice cream recipes here, here, here and here if you're interested ...

P.S. this recipe contains marshmallows (which contain gelatine) so doesn't qualify as vegetarian. You could omit the marshmallows, or find some vego marshmallows, if preferred.

P.P.S. it is seriously sweet! Maybe TOO sweet. I doubt I'll make it often, but it was a fun thing to try.

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