Saturday, July 20, 2024

Breakfast fit for a king (or sultan)

Black [purple] sticky rice is one of my favourite desserts. I thought it was Thai but we saw it on heaps of breakfast bars in Java. Yum! The breakfast buffet at our Yogyakarta hotel was amazing – in fact, ALL the hotel breakfasts were spectacular – and included both sticky rice with coconut cream, and people dispensing (left) magical elixirs and (right) traditional music:

Anyway, to the recipe! 


Purple rice pudding … the home made version

While the rice is called 'black' when you buy it, it turns a lovely purple colour when cooked.

1 cup glutinous black rice
800 ml water
piece of pandan leaf
1 tbsp palm sugar
coconut milk
small pinch of salt

Wash the rice and place in a saucepan. Add the water and bring to the boil, then simmer gently with the pandan leaf, covered, for 40 to 60 minutes. Stir occasionally, and more frequently as the mixture thickens. After about 30 minutes, start testing for softness. Add extra water if necessary. When the rice is pleasantly soft (it will still be a little chewy) add the sugar and continue cooking for about five minutes. Remove the pandan leaf, pour into small bowls and leave to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature with lightly salted coconut milk, or ice cream. Slivers of fresh coconut add flavour and texture.

Notes: glutinous black rice, pandan leaves and palm sugar are available from many Southeast Asian grocers. This freezes well. Despite the name, glutinous rice does not contain gluten.

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