Monday, November 08, 2021

Three-minute gooseberry jam

We have a magnificent collection of berry bushes at the moment. 2021 has been an unusually wet year in Canberra and EVERYTHING in the garden is looking cheerful.

Gooseberries, blueberries and blackberries

Raspberries, blackberries, and mystery
berries (I've forgotten what they're called)

Gooseberry bush up close

Anyway, this is the first year I've had a decent crop of gooseberries. Last year there were none and the previous year I think I had two berries. This year there are heaps, though they're hidden among some pretty ferocious spikes.

So, today I made some really easy jam:

I picked and washed about two dozen gooseberries, then microwaved them on full power for three minutes, stirring every minute.

The resulting jam (about two tablespoons)

That's it! I spread it on hot buttered toast and ate it for lunch. The jam was unsweetened (so wouldn't be suitable for bottling) but was quick and delicious. You could probably add some sugar or honey if you wanted it to be sweeter.

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